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Afrikan languages are the oldest languages in the world. Roots of the languages of the world.

How do languages develop? How are words formed?

Languages developed where there is a greater concentration of nature. This is where also civilisation began. Languages are first and foremost sound, and like all things in creation, they begin with the smallest units of sounds.

What characterises Afrikan languages is the smallest units of sounds. These are often two or three letter words or sounds (bites) and it is these small units of sound that form the building blocks of words and languages. Sounds such as ke, ko, la, da, tra, ba. It is these sounds that form the basis of words in languages. Afrikan languages contain the greatest amount of these small units of sounds.

Tra in the Akan language means to move from one place to another. This becomes the root and origins of words such as trance, transport, transparent etc.

Po or εpo in the Akan language is the root of the English word, point.

Se or εse in the Akan language means similar or exactly like, and from here forms the root of the English word similar.

Lo in the Ewe language is the root of the English word love.

Li also in the Ewe language is the root of the English word live.

Ba which means child in the Akan language is the root of the word baby. Again, bi, in the Ga language also means a child, both roots and origins of the word baby.

Da in the Akan language is the root of the word day. Da in the Akan languages means day.

Te, is the root of the word tear.

Understanding these dynamics becomes important in knowing the etymology of words in the English language and the Rome-related languages such as Italian, Spanish or Portuguese. These sounds certainly make Afrikan languages more unique.
Compound words are also another characteristic of Afrikan languages, where words are joined together by smaller units of words. So often words in our languages carry two or more meanings when broken down phonetically. A feature that is missing in European languages especially in the English language.

Abakᴐsem in the Akan language means history. Whilst it denotes history, it can also be broken down into smaller units to give further context. Aba means has come. Kᴐ means gone. Asem, which is singular or nsem (plural) means events, happenings, stories, narratives. History is the primary meaning of abakosem, but when broken down, it gives a detailed definition of the word, events that have come, to past.

Sankᴐfa is another example. It is a compound word comprising of san, which is to do again,kᴐ, which means to go and fa, which means to grasp, to take. Sankᴐfa is not a single word but rather a combination of three words, which denotes retracing your exact steps to reclaim what was lost, to take what was lost, to repossess what you lost. 

It is these primary and secondary meaning of words found in Afrikan languages, that is missing in European languages, especially the English language, which raises questions. How are words formulated in European languages, more precisely, how are words formed and developed in the English language?

What then is the etymology of the word colony, when broken down phonetically? Kro in the Akan language means a town, settlement or community. Ni denotes, a person from or a person of. Kroni or kro mu ni, denotes a person or people of a particular settlement. From here comes the word colony. It is also important to note, that letters and alphabets can be interchanged. The letters C and K can be used interchangeably. In some European languages, K is more prevalent and will be used instead of the letter C.

Another word English word is mayor. Which is derived from the Akan term “manyor”. This again is a compound word consisting of “man” and “yor”. Man in the Akan language means nation. Yor denotes the working of or the building of (something). Manyor, used to denote politics or the building of a nation. What is the role of a mayor? To build a nation on a city level. 
The English language is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. Today it is used as the language of choice, the language for international business, communication and education around the world. But what is the root and origin of the English language? The English language, like many European languages popularly called romance languages, are thought to be descendants of both the ancient Greek and Latin languages. 

The English language, part Germanic, part Greek and part Latin. What however is striking, is the uncanny similarities between the Akan language and the English language. Suddenly the notion of the English language being a descendant of the Greek, Latin and other European languages leaves one to be suspicious. Did the English language like other Rome-related languages really develop from Latin as it has been taught?

In the Akan language, the English language is referred to as brofo kasa but there is a more colloquial term used to describe the English language which is poto kasa. Poto means to mix or mixture. Kasa means speech or language, which seems to suggest that indeed English is a mixture, but a mixture of what languages? The English language like many European languages are a composition of other languages, and Afrikan languages are the oldest languages in the world. The roots and origins of the world’s languages.

A first-person singular in the Akan language is “” which of course is pronounced “me” in English. Second-person singular is pronounced “w၁”, in the French language it is “vous”. The alphabets W and V are interchangeable, so from “w၁” to “vous” to eventually “you” in English.  In colloquial American English, of course, you can also use the term yo to denote ‘you’ or ‘your’.

Just as the alphabets, W and V are interchangeable, other alphabets such as the K and G can also be used interchangeably, so when we say “k၁” in the Akan language, it means “go”. K၁ being the same and similar to  “go”. In the Akan language, “da” is the root and origin of the English word “day”, as they all mean the same thing. 

Similarly, there is the word “tra'' which in the Akan language means to move from one point to the other. When you say travel, trance, transport, they all denote the same meaning of the word “tra'' moving from one point to the other or from one state to the other. This is also the same in the Ekegussi language spoken in Kenya, “tara '' is to move from one realm to the other or to teleport. 

Te” in Akan, is the root of the word “tear” in English. The word “te” or “te-ma” can also be found in other southern Afrikan languages such as the Shona, which again means `tear”. This goes to show the Afrikan influence of the English language. The English language is referred to as poto kasa in the Akan language.

Afrikan languages are the oldest languages in the world. The roots of the world's languages.

The English Language is a Composition of Other Languages

Afrikan languages are the oldest languages in the world. The roots of the world's languages.

The English language is a composition of other languages. It is referred to as poto kasa in the Akan language. Poto means a mixture or mixed with. Kasa means language or speech. The English language is certainly a recently developed language composed of the oldest languages in the world.

For a first-person singular in the Akan language, we say “” which of course is pronounced “me” in English. Second-person singular is pronounced “w၁”, in the French language it is “vous”. The alphabets W and V are interchangeable letters, so from “w၁” to “vous” to eventually “you” in English.  In colloquial American English, of course, you can also use the term yo to denote ‘you’ or ‘your’.
Just as the alphabets, W and V are interchangeable, other alphabets such as the K and G can also be used interchangeably, so when we say “k၁” in the Akan language, it means “go”. K၁ being the same or similar to  “go”.

Abu so means excessive, the roots of the word abuse in English.

Daavi which means elegant young woman in the Ewe language is the root of the word diva.

Solemo in the Ga languages is prayer, solemn in English.

Dru or εdru is the root of the word drug. It means medicine in the Akan.

Mε bε k၁ in Akan mean “am about to leave” which of course is “embark” in English.

Ntoro in the Akan language means lies. From here comes the word “untrue”.

Nta in the Akan language means, twin, or two or more, from here comes the word “inter” in the English language. The letter “n” is used to denote plural in the Akan language when placed in front of a word. Takara, singular for, a feather. Ntakra, plural. 

The letter “n” is also used to negate. This is another function of the letter “n” in the Akan language. Fa, means, to take. Nfa, means not to take. , means, to do. Nyε, means,  not to do. This function of the letter “n” becomes important in the etymology of the word, “anchor”. K၁ means to go in the Akan language, nk၁, therefore, means, not to go. From here “nk၁”, comes the word anchor. What is the function of an anchor? To stop the ship or boat from drifting, nk၁.

European languages are literary. Because they are a composition of other languages.

Afrikan languages are the oldest languages in the world. The roots of the world's languages.

One of the biggest misconceptions is, the English language like the Rome-related languages are written or literary because they are better and superior languages. This cannot be further from the truth. European languages are literary because they are a composition of other languages and they had to be standardised. through the process of standardisation came the textbooks and the dictionaries we use today. The English language like the Rome-related languages is all written because it had to be standardised in its spellings and pronunciations. These languages are very much alike.

Funu means dead body in the Akan language. This becomes the root of the word funeral. Wura in the Akan means owner of, in charge of, leader of. When we say efie-wura which is house owner or landlord. Funu-wura, will therefore be, the one in charge of the dead or the one in charge of burial. From the term funu-wura comes the English word funeral and also the profession, funeral director. In ancient Egypt, Funu-wura should be responsible for burials. 

The Latin word funus is believed to be the origin of the word funeral. The Latin word for corpse and the Akan word for a corpse is, all the same, funu in Akan and funus in Latin, so again, not only can we claim the Afrikan origins of these modern European languages but also of their ancient languages because traces of the Latin and Greek can be found in many Afrikan languages spoken today.

The Afrikan Influence on Languages is Far-reaching.

Afrikan languages are the oldest languages in the world. The roots of the world's languages.

The Afrikan influence on languages is far-reaching and traces can be found in most Rome-related languages as well as Greek and Latin. Certainly, these influences have been played down or completely misattributed. How are words formed? How did the following words for example come into the English language?


What is a fulcrum? It is to pivot at one point. Efa ko or efa kro in the Akan language is one specific point. The origins of the word fulcrum. Again from here also comes the word faculty. Efa ko, faa ko, one specific place or point.


Mutation, a division of cells. The word division becomes important in the etymology of this word. Ɛmu ate, is to separate, to divide, to tear into pieces in the Akan language. From here εmu ate, comes the words mutate or mutation. To separate, to divide, to tear into different pieces. Ɛmu a tete. To be torn into many smaller pieces.


You will be packing your luggage for a trip, and your mother will ask you εbε kᴐ mu? Meaning, will the bag or case accommodate the luggage? And when you try as much to cram the luggage into the case or bag, she will also ask akᴐ mu? Meaning, did the bag or case accommodate the luggage? Kᴐ means to go. Mu means in. Akᴐ mu, to go in, the root of the word accommodation. The very word da, in the Akan language, means to sleep. Accommodation, a place to go to sleep.


Gini in the Akan language means to be polluted, to be impure and from here comes the English word gene. Moreover, the word krogen in the Akan language means a single and unique entity. From the root word gini comes the English word gene.

The word krogen pertains to an organic matter from here comes the words, gene, genetics or eugenics.


The formula for calculating the circumference of a circle pr2. Which is the division of the radius. Pi is paε in the Akan language which means to divide. All are derived from our Afrikan languages. What is interesting here is not so much the spelling, as we have already emphasised. Language is first and foremost sound, pi and paε all have the same sound and meaning.


Fi” means to be mature in words or in deeds. From here comes the English word philosophy. We go back to our main point. The smallest units of sound. “Fi”, which has the same sound as phi, means to be mature in words and in deeds. This certainly is the root of the word, philosophy. The word philosophy is apparently from the Greek word, philos, which means the lover of wisdom. Lo in the Ewe language means love. Fi means matured in words or in deeds. Lo means love. from these two words, you will find the root and etymology of the word philosophy.