Afrika Instituted

Afrika Instituted The World

Banking and the Unique Concept of Money

Sika (is money)

Sika, money, it is a contraction of si hoo ka. Money is debt, a collateral debt, something you have to recompense for. Si hoo is collateral. Ka means debt, and from here comes the term Sika, money. Where and how did the concept of money come about? Throughout human history, money was never a factor, especially in the history of Afrikans or indigenous cultures. Afrikan like indigenous cultures built societies where there was no need for money, as time went on the societies was no longer communal or homogeneous, and there was an increase in trade between different cultures, a new system was introduced. 

In the early days of money, which used to be in real wealth such as gold or silver, very rich people or people with gold like silver in abundance had to safeguard and protect their wealth. From here comes the notion of forts, fortified buildings to store gold in large quantities.These gold or silver will be preserved in forts, fortified buildings making it impregnable for bandits to steal, and when you go to store your gold or silver in one of these buildings.

You will accrue debt which is eka. You will also be given a paper receipt of how much gold you have stored.This is the origin of banking. You could any time go to redeem your gold or silver, after all, it belongs to you. In the early days of banking and money, the gold standard was the practice, where money was backed by valuable resources such as gold. As time went on and the population increased, the gold standard was eventually replaced with fiat currency.Today, you go to the bank to store your money.

The word bank is derived from bankese, which is a fort, a fortified building. The word cash comes from sika, which has been reversed. Money is debt, a collateral debt, hence today, people toil from dusk till dawn. Money is debt and the collateral is the knowledge, skills, energy, time, resources you expend working for it.The gold coast of Ghana, where gold will wash ashore. It is from here the term Sika Npo ano, comes. This is how current and offshore accounts became associated with money along with the word banking.

Promissory Notes

The earliest form of issuing money and credit was the promissory notes. This was a pledge to pay back your credit.

Sika / Cash

The word cash, is derived from the Akan word sika which was been reversed. Shika or sika to cashi or cash.

Si Hoo Ka (Collateral Debt)

Similar to a mortgage or a secured loan. Your mortgage or house becomes collateral. Default of payment, and the bank repossess the house or mortgage. The basis of banking. The basis of lending and borrowing.

Yε Bε Bu Akonta.

This is a break-even analysis and accountability. For any successful business or venture, there has to be equal accountability. Where you weigh your outgoings against your incomings to see where money is being lost, where money is being gained, which areas need investing or reinvesting. From the Akan word, akonta, comes the word, account or accounting.

Abour Din (Rocks as form of Currency)

Rocks and stones were once used as currencies. Abour [a’ bo’ oor]  din in the Akan language means expensive but it only translates as, solid stone or rock. This is when masonry and stone carving was at their peak in the world. Very solid stone or rock means that the monument would last for thousands of years if not forever. Hence it became synonymous with high value. Solid stones or rock became sort after. The prized jewel in the height of masonry and stone carvings around the world.

Forms of money have changed over time and in history, from the use of rocks and stones as a form of currency to the use of gold dust and the current use of the fiat currency system. The underlying factor still remains, money is debt-based, money is debt, money is debt, εka [air’ ka] or ka. Sihoo Ka.

What is the Objective
Of A Game of Chess?

A Game of Chess

The objective of a game of chess is to capture your opponents. To capture in our languages is kye (che). The word Chess is derived from kye which means to capture, just with an added "ss".

The Queen is the most important piece in a Chess game. Why is this? This stems from the dynastic rule. The Queen is the most important person, in a dynastic rule. It is through the Queen that all the Kings ascend to the throne. When a King dies, a new King, relating to the Queen's mother is elected Queen but when the Queen dies. It is the end of the dynasty.

This is true for animals. In an ant colony, the Queen is the most important, which is the same with a colony of bees. It is also true for a "pride" of lions. The genetic code and makeup of a pride of lions are maintained and carried through the female lions in the pride, and as it is true for animals, it is also the same for a dynastic rule. It is through the lineage of the Queen-mother, that all the Kings come to the throne.

The game of Chess, also demonstrates how Europeans were going to establish their societies, with the Monarchs at the top of the helm. Followed closely by the Clergymen, then by the military or warriors, then the Police and the famous people, the celebrities, then the ordinary people at the bottom of the pile. Hence, the order of importance in a game of Capture is the King and Queen (Monarchs) the Bishop (The Clergymen) The Knights (warriors, military) The Rookies (celebrities, politicians, police), and the Pawns (the average person)  All with a level of privilege.

Masonry is an
Afrikan Craft

To Build

is a command, a prompt to execute, a prompt to undertake. In the Akan language, Mɛ, denotes I. You envision an idea in your mind, you decree that vision and then execute that idea or vision. The essence of life is creation, and creation comes from the mind. We are here to create, we are here to execute and express what our minds envision. Si in the Akan language denote to build, to execute, to erect.

Me Si (I will build)

is a command, a prompt to execute, a prompt to undertake. In the Akan language, Mɛ, denotes I. You envision an idea in your mind, you decree that vision and then execute that idea or vision. The essence of life is creation, and creation comes from the mind. We are here to create, we are here to execute and express what our minds envision. Si in the Akan language denote to build, to execute, to erect.

A Dome

Dome, from the Latin domus, which is a false narrative, is a popular architectural element that resembles the upper part of a sphere. The word dome is derived from do mu or emu do in the Akan language. Emu do means to be deep, to be hollow and from where comes the word dome.

Do [door] means deep. Mu means in. Do mu, to be deep in from here comes the term dome.

A picture of Alhambra through an arch way

Arch / A'Chi'Ya

An arch is a proponent of ancient Greek and Rome architecture, similar to domes in more modern (Islamic) cultures. Certainly, ancient Afrikans were the originators of these popular forms of architecture.

The word, arch, is a contraction of the word akyea, in the Akan language. Pronounced a’chi’ya. Kye in the Akan language has the same sound as ch in a church in the English language. Akyea means to bend, to curve, to swerve, roots of the word arch.

Agoro Kan Si

Ye Be Si Akan

Olympic games is today a global sporting spectacle, held every four years since its modern inception in April 1896 in Greece. The modern Olympic games are often attributed to the ancient Greeks. Like most things relating to history, Europeans often credit and reference the Greeks as the originators and the innovators of it.

Akan Si, the usage of this term can only be rivalled by the use of the word Olympics. Agoro Kan Si, to engage in competitions in multiple disciplines. Indeed should you scour the ancient ruins in Egypt, the middle east, and north Afrika, it is littered with many sporting arenas indicating the popularity of competitive sports in the ancient world. Arenas can be found in Tunisia, Libya, Syria, Cyprus, and in many other places throughout the middle and north Afrika. These are agoro prrama, arenas or stadia where games are held.

Akan Si competition and games will be staged in these premier gaming arenas. Competitive games were a prominent feature in ancient times and did not necessarily originate from the Greeks. Agoro is also the roots and origins of the Latin word agro, which means field since they all denote the same. A field in which games are the stage. Agoro Prama, a premier gaming centre or a stadium.

Combat Science

The fighting history of Afrika should demonstrate the originals of martial art which is often attributed to the Chinese.


A more modern form of governance was first instituted by Akanfo/Afrikans, which became the foundation of modern governance.

Asian Cultures

Asia cultures have their roots and origins in the oldest cultures in the world, Afrikan. Traces of Afrikan culture like language can be found in all of Asia’s religions.


Dwo da [ joh da ], is Monday, it denotes the day of peace. Horoscopes like the days of the weeks were first formulated by Afrikan or Akanfo.