Afrika and Egypt

The Culture of the Ancient Egyptians Can Only Be Compatible with Afrikan and Indigenous Cultures

The Culture of Ancient Egyptians

"Your Language Like Culture is Your True Story".

Your language, like culture, is your true identity. Today, countless articles and books have been written. Many more movies have been made about the European origins of the ancient Egyptians. Many also stipulate the modern Egyptians being the descendants of the ancient Egyptians. This certainly raises another question. What culture do Europeans and the modern Egyptians have that demonstrates, they are descendants of the ancient Egyptians? Your language and culture will also not vanish out of thin air. Your language and culture will only vanish if you cease to exist.

Afrikan and indigenous cultures around the world suffered great setbacks after European colonisation, and even then, remnants of Afrikan and indigenous cultures can be found to this very day. Yet somehow the modern Egyptians abandoned all their high language and culture only to adopt Islam? The idea that the modern Egyptians or Europeans are the descendants of the ancient Egyptians cannot be true. The culture of the ancient Egyptians can only be compatible with Afrikan and indigenous cultures.

Much of this information stems from Egyptology which is often based on misinformation. Egypt was abandoned until its rediscovery and therefore much of Egyptology is based on incomplete or false theories. Almost the entire premise of Egyptology is based on a false narrative.  The ancient Egyptians mummified their dead but why did they mummify their dead? Egyptologists can provide vague explanations of the ancient Egyptian cultures but not to their very core.

Mummification is a process of preservation of their ancestors. Mummification is not European culture or the culture of the modern Egyptians, (and your culture as we have learned does not vanish and your culture also is your true story). A mummification is a form of preservation, which is prominent in many indigenous and Afrikan cultures. In many Afrikan and indigenous cultures, the skulls and bodies of dead ancestors are often preserved for future generations. These forms of preservation were done for various reasons,  done to keep the spirits or energies of such ancestors, in other words, to preserve the memories, deeds or achievements of such ancestors for future generations. In ancient Egypt, the body was fully preserved whereas, in other indigenous cultures, the skulls and bones were what was preserved, which all served the same purpose. 

The preservation of dead ancestors by ancient Egyptians and indigenous cultures also served as a form of ancestral reverence. Family is made up of the dead, those alive today and those yet to come and the bodies our ancestral mummified to immortalise them. Ancestral reverence is prevalent in Afrikan cultures even to this day, something which is non-existent in either modern or past European cultures. Mummification has never been a part of European culture even to this day and neither were Europeans known for preserving their dead ancestors in the past. 

You remember your ancestors. They are the link between the past, present and the future. They are with us, as long as we remember them. In some Afrikan cultures, Griots, sing songs and praises in the new of their ancestors. All these to keep, the deeds, achievements for future generations.

The Etymology of the word mummy, Can Be Traced to the Akan word, "mu" or "emu", which denotes 'dead body'.

Language like culture should dispel all notions about the true originators of the ancient Egyptians and so we ask, what is the etymology of the word, mummy? The ancient Egyptians were Afrikans. Afrikans who spoke languages that are still being spoken in the world today, and the word mummy is a testament.

Mummy, the root word, is derived from the Akan, mu or emu. In the Akan language, mu, is a dead body, a corpse, and from here comes the word mummy. From here also comes the word, bun or mun which means smell. Since dead and decayed bodies gives off smell, they have to be preserved specially to eliminate the smell,(bun or mun).

"Mummification is also a process of ancestralisation".

Mummification is a process of ancestralisation. In our Afrikan cultures, after a person’s death, one has to go through a process of ancestralisation and equilibrium. This is where friends, lovers, and even enemies of the deceased gather under one roof to iron out any differences. This is also where both the debtors and creditors will all be present to make sure any difference between the deceased and any of the aforementioned persons are ironed out. The family of the deceased has to ensure all debts of the deceased are reimbursed and if any other person or persons had a quarrel with the deceased. The family has to make sure everything has been reconciled, so both the deceased and the person(s) involved could all have a sound piece of mind and for the deceased to rest in peace.

The Reverence of Nature

The idea of religion is more of a European ideology. There is no distinction between religion and culture in our Afrikan frame view. They are the same, your way of life. The ancient Egyptians had a polytheist religion or culture. This is also another aspect where Egyptian culture differs greatly from European culture. Ancient Egyptian culture was a polytheist culture with many concepts and interpretations of God, with one underlying factor being, the male and female principles or energies, something which is not also found in modern European cultures. In almost every Afrikan and indigenous culture, there are Gods and Goddesses, and each of these Gods and Goddesses has their specific roles and functions, they play in the lives of people. This also forms the idea of duality in Afrikan and indigenous cultures. These are not gods or goddesses but rather a physical representation or manifestation of the natural forces and energy. 

Nature and natural elements such as the sun, the moon, animals such as the baboons or cows were deified by the ancient Egyptians. Egyptologist with their lack of knowledge of ancient culture often misrepresents some of these as gods (which they are not). These animals were totems and what are totems, you might ask? Totems are prevalent in Afrikan cultures today. They are called Kra-Boa in the Akan language, which means soul-animals. Totems come in many forms, such as water bodies, trees, rocks as well as many elements found in nature.

If your totem is an animal, you do not kill such an animal. You do not destroy such animals. You accord that animal a fitting burial when you see or find it dead or dying. Today in England, they call themselves the three lions, this represents what Afrikans considered totems, similarly, America is represented by the eagle. These, however, are more recent adoption of what ancient Egyptians and Afrikans considered totems. Totems across Afrika is more personal and cultural, unlike European, each and every individual from every tribe will have a totem depending on the Clan they originate from. The English call themselves the three lions but lions are not indigenous to Europe, so how can they have a lion as a symbol? 

Totems are often misinterpreted by Europeans or Egyptologists as Gods. They are not Gods but rather symbolic representations of these animals. These symbolic representations encapsulated the special attributes of these animals. An example is the jackal misnomer named Anubis, (who is seen as the god of death) often by Europeans and Egyptologists alike but, what does the animal symbolise? Why a dog? Why is Maat, another misnomer depicted as a woman, a woman with wings? What do the wings represent? Egyptology cannot give answers to these questions but using Afrikan culture and languages can perfectly explain why.

Because creatures such as jackals, wild dogs and especially the hyena are famed for their ability to digest every bit of their prey, leaving nothing to waste, hence, the reason they are seen as the gods of death or burial. They consume every bit of their prey leaving the bones (the only indigestible part) to decay and become part of the soil, thus enriching the soil. Based on the study of the natural world, and with the study of the natural world, we best understand ourselves as humans. 

Across Afrika, you will find the study of nature was a very important part of our culture, where much of our abε or abεbuo (proverbs or wise sayings) are based on the behaviour and character traits of animals as well as on natural phenomena.


Jackal Headed Dog

Okraman means dog but it denotes, to bid farewell to a nation. A physical manifestation of the natural world and animals found in the plain of the great lakes such as the wild dogs, hyenas and jackal. Bidding farewell to the deceased.

Okraman or kraman, is a dog, in the Akan language. It is a compound word consisting of kra and man. Kra in the Akan language has multiple meanings, and one of its meanings is, to bid farewell. Man, means a nation, a society, or a community

Okraman or kraman, means a dog but translates as, to bid farewell to the nation, a community or society. And from where comes the misinterpretations of Anubis. Anubis is in charge of burial. He bids farewell to the dead (okra man).
Much of these concepts were derived from the study of the natural world. Jackals show a keen sense of judgement when scavenging and hunting for food. They rarely kill or consume their prey alive but depend on storing it till decay to consume their prey. Wild dogs or hyena on the other hand, leave nothing to waste. They consume every bit of their prey.

Ancient Egypt Was A Dynastic Rule

"A Dynastic Rule Will Never
Vanish Without a Trace".

A dynastic rule will never vanish with a trace. It will always be resurrected and the question is, what is a dynastic rule?  A dynastic rule starts with the first family on a piece of land to build a settlement. Another family comes along and finds the land also suitable, they ask permission from the first family to also settle, over time, this family of two becomes three, five, and in time has grown to become a community. As the community grows so is the need for social structure and organisation. Roles will be given out, for who to become the leader, the king, chief, the honour will be accorded to the first family who built the settlement and also granted others to settle on that piece of land.A dynastic rule begins with one family building a settlement. Men are kings but dynasties are built on the shoulder of the woman and it is only through the queen mother one becomes a king. A dynastic rule will never vanish without a trace, it will always be resurrected.

"The Three Lions"

In the United Kingdom, the British crown has a lion symbol but lions are not indigenous to Europe much less the UK. How then can the British crown have lion as a symbol? This is merely a poor imitation of the ancient Afrikan rulers in Egypt. The first builders of the dynastic rule which lasted for thousands of years, and their symbol and totem, would have been a lion. The sphinx is the head of a human and the body of a lion. The original builders of ancient Egypt, Afrikaans. A BaTwa.

Afrikan Seeded the Middle East

The term the Middle East may be a recent political term but this does not negate the fact that Afrikans seeded this part of the world. The first and early inhabitants were Afrikans as evidenced by place names such as Yemen, Oman, and Ottoman. 

These are all Akan names and terminologies. In the Akan language, oman or man means nation. Yemen will denote our nation in the Akan language. Ottoman, the nation of King Otto. King Otto from the house of Bavaria was once the ruler of the Ottoman empire, hence the name Otto-man, meaning the nation of King Otto. A person from Yemen is called Yemeni. A person from Oman is called Omani. A person from Pakistan is known as Pakistani. A person from Afghanistan is known as Afghani.The demonym “ni” which is prevalent all throughout the Middle East is an Akan term, which mains a person from, a person of

One will ask, how come the population does not reflect this narrative? The only way a population will change over time is through conquest, and the gradual replacement of the anthochonous population, and this has been the fate of the original inhabitants of the so-called Middle East. The exact same fate suffered by the first and original inhabitants of the Americas and Australia.

To Know Afrikan Culture is to Understand the Culture of the Ancient Egyptians

Culturally, Europeans or the modern Egyptians are not known to have such cultures, it has never been their culture. The notion therefore that Europeans or modern Egyptians are descendants of the ancient Egyptians cannot be based on historical fact.

Natural elements such as the sun and the moon were deified by the Egyptians, once again, this is practice non-existence in European culture, either today or the past,(European culture has never been a nature-based culture). However, across Afrika, to this day, natural elements such as water, the sun, the moon are still deified. The ancient Egyptians were Afrikans, hence the many cultural affiliations. It is not only culturally but also linguistically.  Afrikan languages are the only languages old enough to have been spoken at the time of the Egyptians. 

It is believed that the ancient Egyptians spoke a language that has been long dead. These are all based on nothing but false narratives. This to take away the Afrikan origins of ancient Egypt. The ancient Egyptians spoke Afrikan languages. Whatever language, the ancient Egyptians spoke, has more in common with Afrikan languages than any other languages spoken anywhere in the world. In the Akan language like many other languages found in Afrika, you will find similarities between our languages, and the language of the ancient Egyptians

In the Akan language. Ba means child. Kra or ၁kra means soul which has been corrupted to ka, which means spirit.
Again the word ra, which apparently, in ancient Egypt symbolises the sun is rather a corruption of the word wia or awia, which means the sun in the Akan language. The KiChagga people of Tanzania also have the word ruwa, which is God and the Sun, in their language.

Heru is a corruption of kore or ၁kore which means eagle, in the Akan language. In the Shona language, it is known as hore.
Maat is rather a corruption of mmra, which means, laws in the Akan language. In Afrikan languages, most words end with a consonant and therefore, Maat, can’t possibly be an Afrikan term but rather a corruption of the original, which is, mmra (laws), a set of community laws and principles, every member of the community must abide by to keep the harmony, peace and sanctity of the community. Ankh is another word of ancient Egyptian origins that means life. In the Akan language, we say nkwa, which means life. Ankh is rather, a corruption of the Akan word nkwa.

To understand ancient Egyptian culture is to understand Afrikan culture because the ancient Egyptians were Afrikans. The language or culture of the ancient Egyptians bears no resemblance to any modern European or Egyptians cultures like languages.
The only thing that connects Europeans to ancient Egypt is DNA and genetic claims. Let us use language and culture, and you will realise, European culture is incompatible with ancient Egyptian culture and therefore the narrative that the Egyptians were or are Europeans is based on nothing but pathological lies.

With the use of genetic and DNA evidence, many Egyptologists often present the ancient Egyptians as Europeans, but culturally and linguistically, there is absolutely no correlation between the culture of the ancient Egyptians and modern Europeans or even the current occupiers of Egypt, the modern Egyptians.