Nananom Nyansa

There is a wealth we have to dig up which was collected collectively by all those who came before us. Wealth in history, language,traditions, genetic wealth, customs, and biology. It is also this wealth that forms the foundation of the world's cultures.

Seven Stages of Life

In ancestral Akan language and culture, a human being lives to be called seven names throughout their lifetime, from the womb to the tomb, which is as follows.

Stage One


The water-fetching bird.

The water fetching bird. These are newly born. Physically, they are not matured so they can only feed on fluids, hence the name asukonoma, a water fetching bird.

Stage Two


Those that mix with nature, creation.

The child at this stage in life is to be part of their environment. Learning  about the environment they live in. learning about the plants, the animals they can touch and the ones they cannot touch or play with. From here comes the term elementary school, you go to school to learn about your environment.  Mixing and playing in their natural environment also helps  the child build immunity with the environment. 

Abofra. Bo is nature or creation.Fra means to mix. Abofra, one that mixes with nature.

Stage Three


The water-fetching bird.

At this stage in life, the child is physically fit and is able to go on errands. That is mostly their responsibility, going on errands, all other needs are dependent on their parents.

Stage Four


It is at this stage a child's gender becomes apparent. A girl will be called akatesiya, a boy will be called abrantie.


A teen aged girl. Kata means to cover, siye is to dress up. This is the stage in life where you begin to cover yourself up and also present yourself neatly, because your body is maturing. You also dress and present yourself neatly.


A teenage boy. Abrante, translates as, one that does not adhere to law. Bra (law) ntie (does not adhere). Certainly this is when they are coming into their own and will adhere to advice. At this stage in life whether a boy or a girl, their minds are maturing and coming into their own personalities and often will not adhere to law or norm, so strict care has to be taken at this stage in life. This is where a person can be made or lost.

Stage Five


Opaani simply means workers. This is where adults, both men and women in the community, work together in different sectors, all to advance the course of the people. A thriving society is dependent on healthy workers. This is also true in the animal kingdom. In a bee colony the workers are the most numerous and most important, where they all work together to serve the colony.

Stage Six


Those that fortify the home.

Those that fortify the four walls. Abansere means a fortified building. The keepers of all the four corners of the home. At this stage in life, they are old and experienced. They have garnered knowledge and experience throughout their lives. This is when they use all their knowledge, experience to guide and steer the coming generation. They fortify the home with their knowledge, wealth and experience. Abanserewa.

Stage Seven


The last stage. This is where you become part of Nananom, honored elders where you will be called Nana. If you are a woman, you are abrewa. If you are a man, you are akukura.

Abrewa / Elderly Woman

The old woman, the aged one, the tired one. You have physically aged but also with a wealth of life experience and knowledge, just like akukura, you are active from behind the scenes.

Akukura / Elderly Man

The reserved old man, here you take a back seat role. You remove yourself from the limelight into the back seat role. Kura means to hide, to cater. You hide from the limelight, you play the executive role from behind the scenes. At this very last stage or name, you will be given the honorary title, Nana.

After having been called these seven names, the person after death has a black stool placed in the family prayer room or shrine. You will also become part of Nananom Nsamanfo, (distinguished elders who have moved on) where prayers can be offered to. They can also be called upon on time of need.


Can you refine your mind? Can you refine your body, your spirit, your soul?

When growing vegetables, it is always said, you have to prune the plant. You prune, every sucker, any diseased and every unwanted part. The pruning ensures maximum growth potential of the plant, with the purpose of making a very fruitful yield.
Tete (perfectly exemplified by the pruning of plants). It is to strategically  remove every cloud, every shroud, every doubt, every impurity, poison or contamination from the mind, body, spirit and soul of a person to make them new again, to make them greater and better.

Tete is refined, refinement of a person’s mind, body and soul like their spirit to make them new and whole again, and like the pruning of plants, this is to make them reach their highest and greatest goal and potential.

Afrikan culture is about the development of self. A refinement of self. A  refinement of your mind, body, spirit and soul with the sole aim of being the greatest you can possibly be.The refinement is first physical, through the food or what you put in and on your body. This will then transfer to your spirit and soul. 

It is used in the Akan language to denote, raising a child or more perfectly, refining a child. It also denotes ancient or the old days. This is to suggest that you raise your child or refine your child in the ancient ways of your ancestors or in the ways of the ancients. This is to keep the way of the ancestors going. To keep tradition going.

A Worthwhile Life

You grow old physically, in time, whilst living a worthwhile life. Home is your first school and your mother is your first teacher. She grounds you in the language and culture of your ancestors. You learn the ethics needed to succeed in life from her.

She has a greater impact on you, an impact that should become part and parcel of you. Then your father becomes your next teacher, and between the time of your birth and the time of your death, you are here to help grow, to help develop not only yourself but those around you. You live a worthwhile life and after you are gone, your impact will be nothing but positive on all and everything you came in contact with.

As a child, your parents are your guardians, your wish can only be granted by your parents, but when you reach maturity with a mind of your own. Every thought, every action should be about your spiritual, moral or intellectual growth. 

Obra means life. It also denotes a show. Life is a play, a show that you have to be a star of. A hero not only to self but also to your people. Bo bra pa. Create a good life, a good role in your show. A worthwhile role, that your future self  like generations will be grateful for.Are you the hero of your story? A hero to your people?

The hero your people are seeking? Bo Obra Pa. Play the good life. Play the good role , lead a good and exemplary role, and your future self will be grateful for. Bo Bra Pa. 



The scale of the universe tips towards balance, and balance is peace, tranquillity, order, structure towards order, structure, discipline. There should be no imbalance in life. The principle of balance should prevail in all walks of life, family, friendship, school, socialisation.