
Akan Institute

Welcome To The New Afrika

To Educate To Inspire

Mission Statement

What is the truth?

Truth is a statement of intent backed by verifiable and reasonable facts or evidence. Truth is often to establish clarity between two opposing views or schools of thought. It behoves one party, therefore to provide verifiable and reasonable evidence to back the intended statement. It also behoves the other to provide variable and reasonable evidence disproving this intended statement. Both claims or evidence however ought to be examined and found reasonable and satisfactory by an external party, or parties. It is only then, that the truth can be established. What then is our truth?

"Our truth is our very premise"

Our truth here, at Akan Institute, is our very premise. A premise which has already been established in our language and culture by all those that have come before us. Akan fo or Afrikans instituted the world. In language, culture, religion, cosmology, banking and in all spheres of life. Akan Institute stands as a platform to create a compelling archive on African history, solely based on Afrikan ancestral language and culture. Language, like culture, is your true history, your true story. It is your only true link to the past and the future. We are compelled to tell our own stories.

Our own narrative and version of events.We are here not only to speak what is true but to also engage in civil discourse. It is only then, that the truth can be established. African history has always been subjected to foreign influence and scrutiny. External narratives of Afrikan history are not true narratives of Afrika’s history. The depths of Afrikan languages reveal true history which contradicts the world’s narratives of history.

The history of Africa is the history of humanity. A vast and immense history. It, therefore, becomes our right and responsibility, to tell our right and true story without being subjected to any other identification or narrative other than our own. An Afrikan or Obibini is not subjected to a geographical term. It is an identity. Identity of the first man, the first people on the planet. We are here and compelled by nothing but the truth. We stand in unison with every Afrikan in the world with the same sense of purpose. We stand to maintain a fighting sense of purpose, a source of inspiration to every Afrikan from the first people of Australia, to the Jawara on the Andaman island and from all corners of the world. We stand in unison and in togetherness.

Akwaaba on this journey of rediscovery

AKWAABA. Welcome. We stand to inspire, cultivate, and refine the hearts and minds of our people. So join us on this journey of rediscovery. A rediscovery of what was erased from our memory and conscience.Welcome to Odwiraman,(the purified nation). Welcome to the Akan Insititute. Welcome to the new Afrika.

To Purify

To Renew

To Educate

To Cultivate

To Inspire

To Rekindle

To Establish


To create a compelling archive on Afrikan History which is the totality of language and culture.

To rekindle that which was erased from our memory and conscience.

To educate, to shine upon false narratives of history.

To create a compelling archive on Afrikan History which is the totality of language and culture.

To rekindle that which was erased from our memory and conscience.

To educate, to shine upon false narratives of history.